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First Year Jitters

Setting up any event is mind shattering, ego testing work. You fight to ensure everything is going slowly and of course nothing will ever work out exactly the way you expect. We have been putting this event together for three months now and it seems like we have had to change course from our original plan.

We started out thinking this will come together pretty easily and I will tell you why. I guess an introduction is in order....

My name is Greg Crews and I am a local actor who found his way into the film industry five years ago. I like every other career professional was prepared to pay the proverbial dues. I guess if you look at that way, you will see the hard work and struggle that goes with booking work and keeping a solid reputation in a very fast paced but lucrative career. I got lucky over the course of my time and landed some amazing roles in big productions that help me earn a spot in this market. ( I guess all those years of day dreaming and being a couch potato paid off)

I started making headway into the convention circuit after working my first comic convention and of course as a kid I lived in flea markets and antique shows. My parents owned a company that sold and marketed furniture restoration chemicals. We worked our way from that to selling furniture that we actually refurbished to look new. As a kid me and my brother spend many summers traveling all over the south sitting on wheel wells traveling thousands of miles to the next location. This was of course back before seat belt laws and our cargo van only had two seats so we are sitting in the back twiddling our thumbs trying to get comfortable on the metal deck of this traveling tin can.

I can tell stories about all the places we went to. I learned how to sell and well stayed in trouble most of the time. I was asleep the rest of the time. You have to remember I had been diagnosed with ADHD at a young age so sitting still in a van for hours at a time only to sit still for weekends at a time at some show in some strange town was not good for someone like me with endless amounts of energy.

I realize I got off subject but I seldom blog. The reason I shed a little light on my very strange childhood is that I know what it takes to put together something great and in the end everyone will be pleased cause this is from the heart and for a good cause.

Please keep an eye out for my blogs cause I will be posting updates here as well as notes from members of the Bridge Con staff in concern to cosplay attire, and well anything that we feel needs to be addressed cause this show is very unique. It will be hosting autistic students with their own unique view of life and I want them to feel at home when they walk through our doors....

Thank you very much

Greg Crews

The Snoring Guy

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